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Tips for Preparing Your Mind and Body for Thanksgiving at 30 Dalton

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching. Are you doing all you can to prepare yourself for the holiday? These tips will help you take care of both your mind and your body so that your Thanksgiving at 30 Dalton is just as glorious as you imagine it to be.

Make a List

Keeping a mental to-do is not the same as writing it down. Don’t wait until the last minute to plan your Thanksgiving at 30 Dalton. What do you need to buy? What do you need to prepare? Where do you need to be and when? Keeping a check list will help you keep things in order and realistically schedule your Thanksgiving Day. Keep it handy at all times, so that you can add things as you think of them. Most importantly, don’t forget to include self-care and family time in your list. It’s just as important as everything else!

Practice Gratitude

Believe or not, the practice of gratitude benefits both your mind and your body. It’s easy to get caught up in Thanksgiving festivities and forget to actually take the time to be thankful. Here’s a few ways you can incorporate gratitude in your day: Keep a blessings journal for all the things you’re thankful for, make deep eye contact with your loved ones as you greet them and really take a moment to consider the impact that their life has had on you, vocalize a thank you for something you’ve always appreciated but never spoken about. It’s not as hard as you might think to practice gratitude. Just be in the moment and revel in the joy – or even the annoyance – that it brings you. This will change the entire day.

Support Healthy Digestion

Before and after your Thanksgiving at 30 Dalton, you should engage in activities that will help support your digestion so that you won’t be miserable for days after. Try a few yoga poses, like the cat-cow, supine twist, bridge pose or extended puppy pose to help stimulate digestion. Be sure to practice mindfulness while you eat, taking small and slow bites of your food so that you can really enjoy it’s taste without over indulging. The amazing food is one of the many joys of Thanksgiving, so it’s okay that treat yourself, just be sure to take care of your body, too!

Rather you’re hosting Thanksgiving at 30 Dalton or visiting friends and family elsewhere, there’s a lot you can do to start getting ready. Start preparing now so that you can have a stress-free holiday full of love and blessings.

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