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30 Dalton Spring Cleaning Tips

As we focus our attention on our home and wellness, it’s a great time to start diving into your spring cleaning. With these 30 Dalton spring cleaning tips, your apartment home will be looking and smelling fresh and clean. Happy cleaning!

Create a Checklist

To get started on your deep cleaning, create a checklist of all of the places that don’t get as much attention throughout the year. Maybe it’s the baseboards, the windows, overhead lights or fans, the oven, or the pantry, just to suggest a few. Once you have a game plan you can start checking these items off, and what a great feeling that is!

Disinfect, Disinfect, Disinfect 

Now more than ever we need to be aware of everything that we touch and do our best to disinfect high touch areas frequently like doorknobs, your phone, TV controller, light switches, and countertops. While this should always be a best practice, start getting into this habit during your 30 Dalton spring cleaning adventure. You can find some great disinfectants online at Amazon.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

With Earth Day just around the corner, now’s a perfect time to declutter your home and look for ways to reduce, reuse, recycle. As you’re going around cleaning from room to room, look in drawers, cabinets, closets, etc. that are cluttered with items you rarely ever use. As you go through the clutter, consider how each item can either be useful in another way than originally intended, recycled, or donated. 

The intention of this is not to replace these items with something new. That’s where the practice of reducing comes into place. If you feel like you struggle with purchasing things you don’t need, try getting rid of the things that tempt you. For example, maybe reduce your email updates from your favorite store to once a month rather than every week.

Once you’ve completed your 30 Dalton spring cleaning, give yourself a pat on the back. Remember to continue doing little things throughout the year to help make next year’s cleaning less of a chore. We hope that your clean home makes for a happy space to live.

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