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Find Your Flow at TriYoga Boston

Do you regularly struggle with back pain? Are you unable to sleep soundly through the night? Has unrelenting stress started to affect you physically? Then you’re overdue for a visit to TriYoga Boston. Its instructors enlist a signature TriYoga system to slowly build strength, flexibility, and a sense of stillness as you ascend from the basics class to Level 3.

The foundational gentle flow class (AKA basics) introduces brand new practitioners to yoga. You’ll master the fundamental movements and breathing techniques of yoga before moving on to Level 1, or Earth, yoga classes. These sessions focus on alignment and the flow of energy throughout your body. Keep climbing the yoga ladder and building endurance until you’re a Level 3 TriYoga expert. You can also check out specialty classes, such as Free the Spine or Yoga for Arthritis, if you’re looking for relief from a specific issue.

Find Your Flow at TriYoga Boston 

Public Domain/Pixabay/KatjaFiona